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Performance Management

Phase 1- Plan


  • Review the job description of the employee and confirm that it matches what work they are actually completing. If the answer is no, you may need to change the job description.

  • Categorize 3-5 areas that necessary to the success of the position which will serve as the performance objectives for the year.

  • Specify career development and training objectives that will help the employee improve their workplace competencies. These objectives should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound).


Phase 2- Monitor


  • Meet regularly with the employee to monitor progress on achieving performance objectives.

  • Determine any obstacles that may be hindering the employee from meeting their objectives and develop strategies to help them overcome these barriers.

  • Share timely, specific, and positive feedback on the employees progress related to their goals.

  • Decide if any changes need to be implemented in the employee’s work plan or if they require extra support.


Phase 3- Review


  • Conduct a performance assessment meeting with the employee.

  • Review the work completed by the employee during the previous year or quarter related to the outlined goals.

  • Identify any areas for improvement or strategies the employee can take in the upcoming year to improve upon performance.

  • Have the employee sign off on the form to confirm that they understand the results of the performance assessment.

Performance management is a collaborative process in which employers and their employees work together to create specific and actionable goals that ensure the employee is not only meeting their job requirements, but continuously improving throughout their career. Setting performance objectives and evaluating employee performance can be broken up into three  time-specific phases.


The information used in this page has been adapted from an online resource from 


The full source can be found here

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